I walk the Earth

“For me there is only the traveling on paths that have heart, on any path that may have heart, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length--and there I travel looking, looking breathlessly.” ― Carlos Castaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge ------- "I am a poor wayfaring stranger, traveling through this world below" ― traditional song

Winter Wonderland 2022-2023
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Winter Wonderland 2022-2023

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Amy asked for pictures of snow.  (Note, these pictures are from all of winter in reverse chronological order – the most recent snow storm is the first half of the pictures)


Honestly, this has been a very snowy winter in Minnesota.  The most recent snowstorm (blizzard) was one of the top 5 of all time recorded in the city of Minneapolis.  We got maybe 15″-18″ in Shakopee – it was hard to tell the exact depth, because the snow was powdery and the wind blew it into drifts.  But this is the third snowstorm that we have had that has been over 10″ this year.


I very much enjoy the winters, especially the snowy winters.  Alex will disagree with me.  But, with their mobility issues and half their skeleton having been replaced with titanium, that is understandable.

Me, though?  Winter is wonderful.  And snowfalls are magic.  The roads can be a bit dangerous.  But, here in the Cities, we have an army of snowplows to clear off the roads.  Those in other parts of the state aren’t so lucky – they have barricades on the roads and orders to stay home.


But for me, working from home and not having to leave the house, it is absolutely a wonderland.  Hayden loves to play in the snow.  He will leap into banks of snow, taller than he is and end up covered to his head.  Then he leaps out and forward, only to be buried again and again.


Yes, for some, winter can spell danger.  But for me, winter, and large snowfalls make me feel safe.  I am isolated in my home and the world is kept out.  Surprisingly, crime rates drop when the temperature consistently hits a low of -20F/-28C.  And the winter hikes are the most marvelous adventures.  I bundle up in my great coat, that keeps me warm at twenty below (that and my long johns 🙂 ), and the world appears to me a frozen beauty.


Looking forward, warmer weather is in the future.  That said, today is February 25th.  And even though the weather begins to warm in March, that is still typically the snowiest month in this area of Minnesota.  And, bear in mind, July is the only month without a recorded snowfall in Minnesota (But that does include the Iron Range up north and, bear in mind, Minneapolis is only one third of the way through the state to the Canadian border).


At any rate, this has been a truly marvelous winter for me and I wanted to capture this wonder to remember it in the future.



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Return to Sakatah Lake State Park

Wed Aug 23 , 2023
Hayden and I made our first outing on our “State Park Adventure Program”.  We are going to shoot for visiting a state park (or the equivalent) once a month and hiking some trails.  Today was a bit rushed, as I hadn’t planned this trip out, so we just spent about an hour and a half […]
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